Nordik Windows was invited by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to showcase our new RevoCell® window at their national energy conference called Generation Energy, held in Winnipeg.

The national event brought together industry experts and all levels of government to discuss Canada’s energy future. Nordik was invited to present our new High Efficiency RevoCell® window along side other industry leaders showcasing new technologies such as Shell Canada (Carbon Capture and Storage Technology), Canmet Energy (Clean Energy) and Mirai (Hydrogen Fuel Cells.)

The two day event combined presentations by International speakers such as Dr. Fatih Birol, Director of the International Energy Agency and bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin with targeted discussion sessions on a wide variety of energy related topics that considered both the economic and social implications of energy generation and conservation.

One of the overriding themes of the conference was the critical need for innovation in energy efficiency and conservation in the building industry. Nordik Windows was proud to highlight our new RevoCell® window and to showcase the years of R&D that have gone into our new High Efficiency Window.

We believe that mPVC windows will become the new standard for all PVC windows in the near future and this will lead to significant energy savings for homeowners and will also lead to an overall reduction in Canada's carbon footprint.

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